Easy Diy 3 Ingredient Brown Sugar Scrub

What could be better than an easy to make DIY gift idea that's both thoughtful and useful? You'll get all of that and more with this recipe for making an easy homemade brown sugar face scrub. Not only is it incredibly straightforward to make from scratch, but I'm certain that you'll be absolutely blown away by how effective the scrub is in spite of its simplicity.

Easy Homemade 2-Ingredient Brown Sugar Face Scrub

Aside from one tablespoon of brown sugar, you'll also be needing a single tablespoon of raw honey. These two ingredients work in tandem to form a powerhouse of a face scrub that's absolutely jam packed full of antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. To actually make the scrub, you'll simply need to mix the brown sugar and honey together in a small bowl and then store it in a sealed jar or container with a lid. When you're ready to use the sugar scrub, apply it to your face evenly, rubbing it in with your hands in a circular motion before rinsing with warm water.

Homemade Brown Sugar Face Scrub

Homemade Brown Sugar Face Scrub

3 Things to Watch Out for When Purchasing Raw Honey

Since you're going to be using this sugar scrub on your face, you're definitely going to want to make sure that you're investing in only the highest quality of raw honey. Here are five things that you should watch out for when purchasing raw honey in order to make sure that you're getting the good stuff:

  • Maximize the health benefits of raw honey by purchasing unpasteurized instead of pasteurized – contrary to popular belief, the pasteurization process strips honey of many of its nutritional benefits
  • Check the label and try to buy honey that is indeed 100% raw and local when possible. Depending on where you live, this usually ensures that the raw honey undergoes strict testing policies.
  • Look for the grade level of the honey. Grade No. 1 honey is usually the highest quality that you can purchase

Homemade Brown Sugar Face Scrub

Is Brown Sugar Healthier Than White Sugar?

The question of just how healthy sugar is indeed a rather complex one. Everyone is aware of how sugar is demonized, yet it's also a natural ingredient that we've included in our diet for literally thousands of years.

White sugar and brown sugar both originate from either the sugarcane or sugar beet plant. White sugar then typically goes through a refinement process in order to produce the table sugar that we all know.

On the other hand, brown sugar is simply a combination of white sugar and molasses. It's the molasses that gives the sugar its darker color, and it also ends up increasing the nutritional value ever so slightly as brown sugar has a tiny bit more potassium, calcium, and iron.

However, it's important to mention that the amount of these minerals in brown sugar is so minor that it really can't be considered a viable source of essential nutrients as far as diet goes.

Homemade Brown Sugar Face Scrub

Can I Use Regular Honey Instead of Raw Honey?

I've had quite a few people ask me if they can just use regular honey instead of raw honey, usually because it's a considerably cheaper option to use. Unfortunately, the answer is no. You're definitely going to want to use raw honey if you're making a sugar scrub that you're going to be using on your skin.

Raw honey also provides you with an abundance of fantastic benefits for your skin, including:

  • Opens up skin pores and helps to get rid of black heads
  • More gentle on your skin compared to other types of exfoliating ingredients
  • Moisturizes and hydrates your skin
  • Contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that fight acne (1)
  • Reduces wrinkles and helps to heal scars
  • Provides anti-aging benefits thanks to high antioxidant and polyphenol content (2)

How Often Should I Exfoliate Per Week?

Since exfoliating can provide such fantastic benefits for your skin, some of you may be itching to just dive in and start scrubbing your way to clearer skin each and every day. If that's you, stop! It's definitely not recommended to exfoliate on a daily basis.

Instead, you should probably only be exfoliating once or twice per week to start out with. You can then gradually increase the amount to two or three times per week once you know how your skin reacts to exfoliating.

It's important to take things slow until you get the hang of things; too much exfoliating and you risk over-exfoliating, which can leave your skin feeling raw, red, and extremely painful. Instead, take your time and ease your way into things and you will be well on your way to healthier looking skin in no time!

(You may also like: 3-Ingredient Raw Cacao Powder Brown Sugar Scrub for Exfoliation)


Homemade Brown Sugar Face Scrub

Easy Homemade 2-Ingredient Brown Sugar Face Scrub

  • Prep Time: 2 minutes
  • Total Time: 2 minutes
  • Yield: 1 1x


  • 1 tbsp raw honey
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar
  1. Add the raw honey and brown sugar to a small bowl and mix to combine.
  2. Store in a jar or container with a lid.
  3. Apply with your hands, working in circular motions.
  4. Rinse with warm water.

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More Easy Diy Scrubs You'll Love:

  • Skin Brightening DIY Sugar Scrub
  • DIY Pumpkin Latte Sugar Scrub
  • Homemade Coffee Face Scrub (I Love This!)
  • Lemon Sage Detoxifying Scrub (Sea Salt, Lemon Oil, Sage, Coconut Oil)

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Source: https://misswish.com/homemade-brown-sugar-face-scrub

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